Our Listings Management tool, BestBiz ToolBox, empowers your Online Presence by:

  • Directly updating major directories like Google, Facebook, and Bing with accurate data

  • Syndicating accurate listings across 300 sites that control local search

  • Continuously claiming and correcting missing and inaccurate listings

Our listings management tool, BestBiz ToolBox, strengthens your online presence by:

Ensuring your business listings are accurate across the entire web!

Are you aware that inconsistent business listings can unintentionally spread all over the internet, much like a troublesome weed in a garden? This issue affects not just any websites, but major online directories and search engines that are key players in local search results. Here's a surprising fact: according to Vendasta, 40% of local businesses are grappling with listing errors. Moreover, a report from Search Engine Land reveals that 73% of consumers start doubting a brand when they stumble upon incorrect listings. And guess what? They often end up turning to your competitors who have got their online presence sorted.

But here's the silver lining – fixing this is not only simple but also incredibly beneficial. By taking charge of your business listings across the internet, you're doing much more than just keeping your competitors at bay. You're also enhancing your SEO, which means better visibility and a higher chance of catching the eye of potential customers. So, let's roll up our sleeves and make sure your business shines online! 🌟

Listings Management Reporting

Navigating the intricate world of data across the web can sometimes feel like solving a complex puzzle. It's a landscape that's constantly evolving, making it a bit tricky to keep track of how your data is faring out there. That's why it's so important to have a clear and comprehensive view of everything that's going on.

Here's where we step in with a little bit of magic! Unlike other tools, we bring something special to the table – complete transparency. We believe in keeping you in the loop with detailed tracking and reporting metrics. This way, you can see the full picture of what's happening with your information. It's like having a crystal ball that shows you not just the data, but also the value our service is adding to your world.

So, sit back and relax. We've got the data tracking and reporting covered, ensuring you're always informed and empowered. 🌟

  • Directly updating major directories like Google, Facebook, and Bing with accurate data

  • Syndicating accurate listings across 300 sites that control local search

  • Continuously claiming and correcting missing and inaccurate listings

Listing Features

Listing Analytics

BestBiz ToolBoxes listing analytics pulls all of your 3rd party listings data into one place for you to view, filter by, and slice-and-dice any way you want.

Listing Management

BestBiz ToolBox's real-time update architecture and dual sync feature delivers your data seamlessly across the Publisher Network.

Duplicate Suppression

Deactivate duplicate listings from over 100 publishers so only authoritative listings are pushed live.


Keep your data accurate with suggested edits from external sources like Google, Facebook, or your own users.

Publisher Network

Ensure fast and accurate updates for public facts about your business through more than 200 direct integrations.

Competitive Intelligence

Understand how your entities perform versus local competition.


Posting allows you to connect and engage with your customers across a variety of sites like Facebook and Google to deliver relevant, curated

Listing Verifier

A powerful system that automatically scans listings to determine their accuracy, on a field-by-field basis.

Publisher Details & Controls

Track listing status, troubleshoot errors, monitor alerts, modify configuration settings, and more, with Yext’s best-in-class listings

Monitor All Your Locations At Once!

No matter how dazzling your national advertising campaigns are, the real test of your brand often comes down to something as simple as the cleanliness of the bathroom in your nearest location. Yes, it's the little things that customers notice and remember. And in today's connected world, you can bet they'll share their experiences far and wide.

If you're managing a business with multiple locations, keeping an eye on every bit of feedback is crucial. That's where our tool steps in, shining bright as the best-in-class solution for multi-location reputation reporting. It's designed to make your life easier, giving you a clear, comprehensive view of what your customers are saying, no matter where they are. With our tool, you're not just monitoring your reputation; you're staying one step ahead, ensuring every customer experience is as sparkling as your brand. 🌟

Review Comparison and Management

Compare scores between locations and identify the best and worst performers, enabling you to better focus your time and effort.

Post to Multiple Social Accounts

With multi-location posting, you can post to Facebook, Twitter and Google+ for numerous locations at the same time.

Listing Visibility and Accuracy

See how and where your locations are listed on directories, review sites and social networks.

Scalable from 2 to 2000+ Locations

With multi-location posting, you can post to Facebook, Twitter and Google+ for numerous locations at the same time.

Interactive Roll-up Reports

Monthly reports give you a birdseye view of your online presence and allow you to dig deeper into individual locations.

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Site: topofyourgamemarketing.com

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